How to Apply Myrrh Essential Oil
Myrrh, Commiphora myrrha, essential oil is produced from the resin of the bush native of north-east Africa and southern Arabia.
The oil has a warm scent slightly balsamic.
Myrrh is one of the oldest known aromatic substances mentioned back to 4000 years.
It was an ingredient of the Egyptian perfume ‘kyphi’. It was reputed to reduce wrinkles and preserve youthful complexion. It has a cooling effect on the skin and would be useful in a hot climate.
It was applied to cure wounds and ulcers.
In traditional Chinese medicine it was used for treating conditions such as bleeding, pain, and wounds.
Here are the therapeutic benefits of myrrh
- Anticatarrhal (reduces the production of mucus)
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antimicrobial
- Antiphlogistic (reduces inflammation)
- Antiseptic
- Astringent
- Balsamic
- Carminative (settles the digestive system)
- Cicatrisant (promotes the formation of scar tissue)
- Emmenagogue (regulates menstrual flow)
- Expectorant (expels mucus)
- Fungicidal
- Sedative
- Digestive
- Tonic
- Vulnerary (promotes healing of wounds).
Myrrh is reported to have astringent properties on mucus membranes as well as antimicrobial properties.
Due to its antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties the oil can be incorporated into an ointment to apply externally.
It is used to treat chronic wounds and ulcers.
It is beneficial for mature skin, for weepy eczema and athlete foot.
It heals cracked and chapped skin and can be used in skincare.
Myrrh oil instils a deep sense of calm on the mind.
It is an excellent expectorant and is beneficial in the treatment of coughs, bronchitis, and colds.
As a stimulant the oil promotes menstruation and relieves pain.
The oil may help people who are prone to over thinking.
How to apply myrrh essential oil
Massage (diluted in a carrier oil:3 drops in a spoon)
Compress (diluted in water: 5 drops in 1/2l of water))
Bath (diluted in a carrier oil: 7 drops in a spoon)
Skincare (1%)