What essential oils make a house smell good?

Pure essences from aromatic plants have been praised for centuries for their heady scents. They are natureโ€™s gift to the human mind, body, and spirit. A truly ancient art of aromatherapy is used to enhance a mood and promote well-being.

The practice of perfuming goes as far as 3000 bc when the aromatics were used in religious ceremonies, for medicinal purposes, as well as for skin protection.

The Hebrews prized the art of aromatic perfumes and valued the properties of precious myrrh and frankincense. Romans were fond of using essences to spray rooms, improve massage and enhance their bathing. The Crusades brought the essences to Europe, where they were used to ward off the scourge of black plague.

The art of aromatic essences waned somewhat with the sharp ascension of chemistry in the 19th century but re-emerged early 20th century when the application of essential oils to health and beauty therapy was renewed with vigour, particularly in France.

An intriguing aspect of aromas is their contribution to memories, evoking not only imagery but also the emotions felt at that time. The explanation seems to be a strong connection between the limbic system in the brain, the place for memory and emotions, and the olfactory bulb, where smell is registered.

Essential oils are extracted from certain aromatic wild or consciously grown plants. They are made of numerous different organic molecules and a large number of elements such as alcohols, esters, aldehydes, ketones, phenols, and acids.

Some essential oils, when mixed together, create an enhanced blend, called synergy. They are effective in making a house smell good.

For that purpose, essential oils can be used in atomisers, diffusers, vaporisers.

The first impression when entering a house is the aroma as it lingers. Creating a beguiling atmosphere with fragrances to indulge the senses is an old tradition.

Workplaces can be stuffy. A personal way to enjoy a better fragrance is to put a few drops of essential oil ofย  choice on a handkerchief to inhale. You might also spray your space or use a diffuser on your table. Try basil, rosemary, bergamot, and lemon.

Adding fragrance to the living room can prevent ill health, balance the emotions, and disguise unwelcome smells. Use a diffuser or a room spray.

Rose, geranium, orange, and lavender are pleasing, uplifting essential oils. For an intimate atmosphere, use sandalwood, or patchouli. For unwinding choose geranium, lavender, sandalwood or ylang ylang.

Clary sage and jasmine will create a heady โ€˜feel goodโ€™ atmosphere for a party. If you prefer a lighter, fresher aroma, then try orange, lemongrass or neroli. For a festive moment mix frankincense, sandalwood, cinnamon, and sweet orange.

Rose, neroli, and lavender are delightful essential oils for the bedroom.

To disinfect the room, use tea tree, bergamot, lemon, and lavender, they have excellent antiseptic properties.

To make your house smell good choose the essential oil/s that make you feel good.

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