Recipes with ginger essential oil are warming to the body, energising, and mood uplifting. Recipes with ginger essential oil relax tight muscles, relief pain, help relief fatigue, improve digestion, mental clarity and memory.

Rejuvenating foot bath recipe with ginger essential oil

Mix 4 drops of ginger essential oil with

4 drops of lime essential oil

4 drops of geranium essential oil

3 drops of spearmint essential oil

in a teaspoon of sweet almond carrier oil.

Add the oil to the warm water, swirl the water, and relax for at least 15 minutes.

Sooth aching muscles hand bath recipe with ginger oil

Mix 4 drops of ginger essential oil with

4 drops of bay laurel essential oil

4 drops of nutmeg essential oil

3 drops of lavender essential oil

in a teaspoon of sweet almond carrier oil.

Add the oil to the warm water and soak your hands for 20-30 minutes.

Massage oil recipes with ginger essential oil

Ache and pain relief recipe with ginger essential oil

Mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of bay laurel essential oil

5 drops of sweet marjoram essential oil

in a tablespoon of macadamia nut carrier oil.

For best results, massage the oil for at least 30 minutes, until the oil is fully absorbed in to the skin.

Fatigue relief recipe with ginger oil

Mix 4 drops of ginger essential oil with

6 drops of spearmint essential oil

5 drops of pine essential oil

in a tablespoon of macadamia nut carrier oil.

Foot rejuvenating oil recipe with ginger oil

Mix 4 drops of ginger essential oil with

4 drops of spearmint essential oil

4 drops of petitgrain essential oil

3 drops of cypress essential oil

3 drops of Siberian fir essential oil

2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

in 2 tablespoons of grapeseed carrier oil.

Massage the oil from the bottom of the feet up to the calves.

Hand rejuvenating oil recipe

Mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of grapefruit essential oil

5 drops of black pepper essential oil

5 drops of spearmint essential oil

in 2 tablespoons of grapeseed carrier oil.

Massage the oil into both hands, from the fingers to the shoulders.

Uplifting oil recipes with ginger essential oil

Mix 4 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of ylang ylang essential oil

3 drops of patchouli essential oil

3 drops of rosewood essential oil


Mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of frankincense essential oil

5 drops of grapefruit essential oil

in a tablespoon of grapeseed carrier oil.

Massage the oil into the upper chest, back of the neck, and shoulders.

Muscle relaxing oil recipes with ginger essential oil

Mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of ylang ylang essential oil

3 drops of nutmeg essential oil

2 drops of rosemary essential oil


Mix 3 drops of ginger essential oil with

4 drops of ylang ylang essential oil

4 drops of peppermint essential oil

3 drops of thyme essential oil

1 drop of lemon essential oil

in a tablespoon of grapeseed carrier oil.

Massage the oil into the specific muscles.

Physical endurance oil recipes with ginger essential oil

Mix 6 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of thyme essential oil

5 drops of peppermint essential oil

5 drops of juniper essential oil

5 drops of grapefruit essential oil

4 drops of lemon essential oil


Mix 2 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of petitgrain/lemon essential oil

5 drops of peppermint essential oil

5 drops of palmarosa essential oil

5 drops of clove essential oil

4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

4 drops of lime essential oil


Mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of petitgrain essential oil

5 drops of tea tree essential oil

5 drops of rose essential oil

5 drops of thyme essential oil

5 drops of rosewood essential oil

in 2 tablespoons of grapeseed carrier oil.

Massage the oil into the specific muscles before the exercise.

Performance oil recipes with ginger essential oil

Mix 2 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of petitgrain/lemon essential oil

5 drops of lime essential oil

4 drops of cypress essential oil

4 drops of cajeput essential oil


Mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of palmarosa essential oil

4 drops of geranium essential oil

4 drops of rosewood essential oil

2 drops of clove essential oil


Mix 3 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of clove essential oil

5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

3 drops of black pepper essential oil

2 drops of lavender essential oil

2 drops of spearmint essential oil

in 4 teaspoons of sweet almond carrier oil.

Massage the muscles before the game.

PMS relief recipe with ginger oil

Mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of chamomile essential oil

5 drops of clove essential oil

5 drops of petitgrain/lemon essential oil

5 drops of rosewood essential oil

5 drops of cypress essential oil

in 2 tablespoons of primrose carrier oil.

Massage the oil into the lower back at least once a day.

Romance oil with ginger essential oil

Mix 2 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of sandalwood essential oil

5 drops of ylang ylang essential oil

3 drops of black pepper essential oil

in a table spoon of sweet almond carrier oil.

Massage the oil into the back, neck, and shoulders until the oil is fully absorbed in the skin.

Sprains relief with ginger essential oil

Mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of lavender essential oil

5 drops of peppermint essential oil

in a table spoon of sweet almond carrier oil.

Massage the oil into the sprained area.

Study for exams recipes with ginger essential oil

Mix 6 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of grapefruit essential oil

4 drops of juniper berries essential oil

in a table spoon of sweet almond carrier oil.

Massage the oil into the back of the neck and shoulders before studying/exam. Inhale the oil during the exam.

Travel comfortably recipes with ginger essential oil

Mix 3 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of bay laurel essential oil

4 drops of peppermint essential oil

4 drops of chamomile essential oil

4 drops of geranium essential oil


Mix 4 drops of ginger essential oil with

5 drops of chamomile essential oil

4 drops of sandalwood essential oil 

4 drops of petitgrain essential oil

3 drops of nutmeg essential oil

in 2 tablespoons of sweet almond carrier oil.

Massage the oil into the abdomen, chest, back, and shoulders before traveling.

If you know of any recipes with ginger essential oil please put them down in the comment box below this way we can all enjoy your recipe.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jeannie Hood

    I’m looking for an oil blend to replace Purification by Young Living.

    1. Marco van Hattem

      Yes, we can replace the blend for the purpose of purification of the living space. We do compose blends on request.
      Feel free to have a look on our website for the AromaSense synergistic blends for a diffuser.

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