Great Essential oils for sleep

If you are looking for essential oils for sleep, you most probably have a problem with relaxation. Or you are suffering from symptoms caused by stress. Massage with essential oils is a wonderful way to help release stress.

Some techniques such as massage and taking a bath with essential oils can help you sleep well when the time and place is right.

The most helpful essential oils will be deep earthy and aromatic ones that calm the nervous system with a few floral, heart note oils as well as a few citruses.

Lavender, sweet orange and patchouli essential oils offer deep, nurturing support for calming the nervous system and easing overthinking. They will calm you down in the evening and help you slip off to sleep.

Our aromatherapist created our own synergistic blend called Sweet Dreams based on essential oils with deep relaxing properties and their enhancing each otherโ€™s capability to calm the nervous system. The essential oils used for our sleep enhancing blend are Roman chamomile, sweet orange, patchouli and ylang ylang. Try this blend in your diffuser when you are unwinding in the evening at home and see for yourself how it works.

There is one single oil called vetiver which has a nick name โ€œOil of Tranquillityโ€. It helps people feeling more relaxed, calms their mind and prepares them to a good night rest.

Walking in the woods is very relaxing due to the fresh woody scented air. To experience this centring and restoring feeling, use woody essential oils for forest bathing at home.

Cypress essential oil permeates its fresh balsamic scent and supports breathing and centred emotions.

Juniper berry essential oil cleanses the mind of negative emotions and purifies the atmosphere.

Patchouli essential oil may establish the sense of composure and balance.

We wanted to recreate this delightful fresh and relaxing feeling and that is how our own synergistic blend Black Forest came to life. The essential oils we use for balancing and soothing the mind are Siberian fir, juniper berry, cypress and cedarwood.

If you love relaxing bathing, Roman chamomile will be your best friend. It is marvelous at releasing muscle tension, calming spasms, and relaxing the nerves. It soothes your body, mind, and heart.

Two citrus essential oils will help you feel calm and balance your emotions. Bergamot essential oil will help calm the nervous system thanks to its natural component linalool which is also the main component in lavender essential oil. It helps to restore emotional balance.

Sweet orange essential oil offers deep emotional support. It is great to relieve stress, to ease worries, and install peace.

Both oils can help release repetitive thoughts that might prevent us from relaxing and even from keeping us awake.

There are essential oils which are helpful to use for stress and to help relaxing. Here are five of them. They have warm, comforting, and relaxing aroma.

Essential oils can offer excellent help for stress relief and emotional balance during the day and at home when you need to unwind. It is not easy to realise when you are getting stressed out. Using calming essential oils during the day can help you keep stress level at bay so that you can have a better rest during the night.

Try our beautiful balancing and calming synergistic blend Stream of Life during the day. Its beautiful composition of clary sage, sweet orange, frankincense, geranium, vetiver and ylang ylang will help you stay in perfect balance through a busy day.

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