Bay laurel or laurus nobilis is a spicy essential oil. It relaxes tight muscles, soothes sprains, lessens pain. The oil is also calming; it promotes restful sleep, its vapours help breathing. The oil is used to improve digestion, mental clarity and memory. It is disinfectant. It repels insects.

Health recipes with bay laurel essential oil

Pain relief blend with bay laurel essential oil

Mix 5 drops of bay laurel leaf essential oil with

5 drops of ginger essential oil

5 drops of marjoram essential oil

in 1 table spoon of sweet almond oil.

Massage this blend in to the area for at least 30 minutes, until all the oil is fully absorbed by the skin.

No more sore muscles blend with bay laurel essential oil

Mix 4 drops of Bay laurel leaf essential oil with

4 drops of rosemary essential oil

4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

3 drops of ylang ylang essential oil

in 1 table spoon of grape seed oil.

Massage this blend in to the area for at least 30 minutes, until all the oil is fully absorbed by the skin.

Sleep restfully blend with bay laurel essential oil

Mix 3 drops of bay laurel leaf essential oil with

4 drops of petitgrain essential oil

4 drops of lavender essential oil

4 drops of lemongrass essential oil

in 1 table spoon of macadamia nut oil.

Before going to bed, massage the blend into the upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, and along the back. Good night!

Travel comfortably blend (a mist spray) with bay laurel essential oil

Mix 30 drops of laurel bay leaf essential oil with

35 drops of chamomile, Roman essential oil

35 drops of lemon essential oil

25 drops of lavender essential oil

25 drops of ginger essential oil

25 drops of cinnamon essential oil

in 120 ml of spring water.

The mist will soothe the stomach and help make travelling more enjoyable. Use before and during the trip, as necessary. Inhale deeply.

Recipes with bay laurel essential oil for gardening

Repel insects blend with this recipe with bay laurel essential oil

Mix 5 drops of laurel bay leaf essential oil with

10 drops of clove essential oil in

3l of water

Water plants prior to using the solution

Use the solution regularly

A recipe for infested plants with bay laurel essential oil

Mix 45 drops of peppermint essential oil with

45 drops of laurel bay leaf essential oil in

120 ml of water

Spray minimal amount of the solution every few days.

If you know of any recipes with bay laurel essential oil please put them down in the comment box this way we can all enjoy your recipe.

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