A cough is a reflex of the bronchi, air passages, which is there to clear these passages of obstructions such as dust, pollen, or excessive mucus. This means that cough is useful. If cough is provoked by inflamed mucus membrane of the throat and it is nothing to expel, then this cough is exhausting and not โ€˜productiveโ€™. โ€˜Productiveโ€™ cough can set up irritation and therefore is being useful.

The best form of aromatherapy treatment will be a steam inhalation. It will soothe the throat and bronchi, also loosen any excessive mucus, and ease the expelling by coughing.

If the cough is due to a bacterial infection, bactericidal essential oils will attack the root of the problem. In this case thyme is the most powerful essential oil. Other oils for fighting coughs include benzoin, which is extremely soothing to the throat, eucalyptus, frankincense, lavender, marjoram, ravintsara, and sandalwood.

Sandalwood is helpful for dry coughs that persist long after the original infection. In this case massage to the throat and chest with any of the above-mentioned oils will be soothing. You will need a spoon of a carrier oil and up to 5 drops of essential oil/s. Essential oils for cough in diffuser will be very relieving especially at night. You may add 3 drops of peppermint, 1 drop of thyme, 1 drop of tea tree, 1 drop of lavender to the water in the diffuser.

In case of deep, chesty cough the essential oils of eucalyptus, ravintsara, and rosemary verbenone will be relieving. The aim of mucolytic and expectorant essential oils is to loosen and stimulate mucus elimination from the bronchi. These oils can be massaged to the chest, over the whole body, or be inhaled. For massage, the essential oils should be mixed with the carrier oils.

Here are the essential oils for the upper respiratory conditions

Eucalyptus is mucolytic and expectorant, is helpful in inhalations and massage.

Bay laurel gives lymphatic support and can be used on the shower floor (1-3 drops).

Rosemary relieves blocked sinuses and stuffy nose. A drop or two can be added to diffuser with other oils.

Thyme fights severe infections and will be helpful in massage together with other essential oils mixed with a carrier.

Ravintsara fights viral infections, flu symptoms and supports immune system. It can be included to inhalation, diffusing and massage.

Essential oils aim at fighting infection, easing cough, and expelling mucus. In the first stages, when the cough is dry, steam inhalation with benzoin, bergamot, eucalyptus, lavender, and sandalwood will be relieving. In the latter stages, it is important to clear all the mucus from the lungs, to prevent complications expectorant essential oils will be of great help. They are:

  • Basil
  • Benzoin
  • Bergamot
  • Marjoram
  • Myrrh
  • Sandalwood
  • Thyme

Application of essential oils for cough

Inhalation, diffusing, massage of the chest and the back.

You may try our highly effective diffuser blend Breathe Easy and/or our Relieving Bath and Body Oil for Colds designed and prepared by our certified aromatherapist.

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